Spanish ham is a delicate treat that makes dinner parties more enjoyable. After all, the artisanal cured meat is as flavorful as it is unique, and the finest Iberico ham is up there with the most prized foods.

Of course, today, we must look past food’s flavor and ensure it is also good for the animals used to make it, so free-range ham is more valued than ever. Is ham from Spain free range? Let’s find out.

What is Free-Range Ham?

Let’s start by describing ham and its production process — not all hams are the same! All Spanish ham comes from pigs. Some grow on farms, and others are allowed to roam free. Some are fed with grains and cereals, and others feast on the abundant acorns in Spain’s flatlands.

We consider only a few types of Iberico ham free-range, and they’re the most flavorful and expensive. The best of the best! To qualify as free-range ham, the pigs must enjoy most of their lives in Spain’s dehesas or acorn fields. It is here where pigs get chubby, resulting in deliciously marbled ham – they don’t even need dietary supplements.

Spain’s Flatlands

The best Spanish ham is only possible thanks to the country’s native black pigs and its flatlands — the famous dehesas.

A dehesa is an agricultural system in which animals graze, and people grow trees for timber, fruit or nuts. Wild game, honey and even mushrooms are grown in these extensive areas. The farming system is more than a farm — it is an ecosystem and a habitat for many species.

The finest ham comes from free-range pigs, which play a vital role in the dehesas. The pigs feed on grass and acorns and keep the soils healthy for the trees.

Types of Free-Range Spanish Ham

Now that we’ve covered the importance of free-range pigs in Spanish ham production, let’s talk about the types of ham made with these pigs.

Jamón de Cabo de Campo Ibérico. This type of ham comes from pigs that live partially on farms and in the dehesas. The pigs are not entirely free range, as they depend on fodder based on grains and cereals for most of their lives.

Jamón de Bellota Iberico. This is the only type of Spanish Iberian ham made with pigs fed exclusively in the open, roaming the flatlands from October to February, gaining fat naturally and peacefully.

The best products of Iberico Ham

Enjoy Ham Guilt Free

Free-range meat, whether chicken, beef or ham, is an effective way of consuming animal products while guaranteeing the animals are not confined to a pen. Naturally, since free-range pigs feed on acorns, they produce the most flavorful ham.

If you want to know more, explore our website’s content, and if you want to try the best Iberico ham, look no further. We offer the best Iberico ham, from a whole Spanish ham leg to sliced Iberico de bellota. Iberico ham is a unique agricultural product, and it’s worth knowing better. After all, Spanish people have enjoyed it for thousands of years, why shouldn’t you?

January 09, 2023 — franco salzillo